Eye on Latin America and the Caribbean: INTA’s 2022 Policy Priorities and Key Activities

Published: March 2, 2022

While the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights differs broadly from one country to the next, in recent decades, the Latin America and the Caribbean region has taken steps to improve the overall IP ecosystem. Established in 2017, INTA’s Latin America and the Caribbean Representative Office, located in Santiago, Chile, has enabled the Association to more effectively advance its policy agenda, represent the interests of members in the region, work more closely with different public and private sector stakeholders, and, as an overall goal, promote a more efficient IP rights system in the region.

In 2022, INTA’s Latin America and the Caribbean Representative Office will focus on promoting activities related to increased awareness around the contribution of brands to national economies and to building better societies, and activities supporting the development of IP professionals. The office will also work to further consolidate INTA’s position as a resourceful and trusted IP association among governments in the region, mainly through academic and advocacy activities.

Last year, INTA partnered with several local organizations, including for example, the Chilean Illicit Trade Observatory of the National Chamber of Commerce. In 2022, Latin America and the Caribbean Representative Office will continue nurturing relationships with local associations in the region, building on existing synergies, and stimulating collaborative work, for mutual benefit.

INTA submitted recommendations for the national IP strategies launched by Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica in 2022. This year, the Association will continue working to enhance the positioning of IP rights as an essential tool for entrepreneurship and innovation. This will involve strengthening INTA’s relations with governments and seeking opportunities for more IP office and enforcement authority training programs, and other activities.

Harmonization remains high on the policy agenda for 2022. This year, Chile and Jamaica will join Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and Trinidad and Tobago, as members of the Madrid Protocol. With a total of seven Latin American and the Caribbean countries as part of the international trademark registry, this presents INTA with a fantastic opportunity to promote its benefits among brand owners and professionals throughout the region. In addition, some countries, including Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, and Uruguay, will implement changes in their trademark laws and regulations. INTA will continue to promote harmonization among these governments through the extensive advocacy efforts of the relevant committees and subcommittees.

Anticounterfeiting remains a matter of continuous concern. Between 80 and 90 percent of the fake products come from abroad, with only a small percentage of such goods manufactured in Latin America. However, the sales of counterfeits are on the rise in the region. The Latin America and the Caribbean Representative Office will work closely with the Unreal Campaign Committee to promote activities around the negative impact of counterfeits on national economies and society at large.

Further, INTA will continue voicing concern around proposed and existing brand restrictions legislation in Latin America, and spreading the results of the Brand Restrictions Study: A View from Gen Zers and Millennials study.

Last year, INTA and the Court of Justice of the Andean Community (Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina (TJCA) co-organized the inaugural moot court competition in the Andean Community. More than 110 students on 33 teams participated. INTA and the TJCA look to expand on the success of last year’s competition in 2022. This will be in addition to INTA’s ongoing participation in the TJCA internal training programs.

INTA will continue promoting the Pro Bono Clearinghouse in the region, building on the virtual pro bono clinic held in Brazil in 2021.

INTA’s Latin America and the Caribbean Representative Office, based in Santiago, Chile, represents the Association’s members across the region. Working in collaboration with staff at INTA’s headquarters in New York City, the Latin America and the Caribbean Representative Office leads the Association’s policy, membership, marketing, and communications initiatives throughout this region. To learn more about INTA’s activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, please contact INTA Chief Representative Officer of the Latin America and the Caribbean Office Carolina Belmar Gamboa.

Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this article, readers are urged to check independently on matters of specific concern or interest.

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