Explore the Quick Reference Guide to INTA’s Resources.
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INTA Practice Guides
Save time and money in your daily practice with practical, on-the-ground information covering trademark and related areas of law throughout the world.
Our extensive and much-used guides provide essential jurisdiction-specific details about trademark protection, opposition, cancellation, enforcement, the Madrid System, geographical indications, and trade dress. Search each guide by jurisdiction or by topic.
This issue of The Trademark Reporter offers readers an article on the new frontier of Web 3.0 (the next phase of the World Wide Web) and the potential promise and peril of blockchain domain names for brand owners as well as a book review of a practitioner’s guide to winning domain name disputes (in the current version of the Internet).
CURRENT ISSUE: July-August 2024 (Vol. 114 No. 4)
About The Trademark ReporterContinuing legal education (CLE) credits and continuing professional development (CPD) credits are available for most of our educational events. Learn more.
Certificate Programs
Developed by specialized IP experts and based in real-world experience, our comprehensive certificate programs help you expand your professional knowledge and position yourself for success.
We currently offer two programs: The Lifecycle of a Trademark and Finance for Non-Finance Legal Professionals Certificate.
INTA Bulletin
The INTA Bulletin is our weekly publication, bringing news, trends, and issues of interest to members and the wider intellectual property (IP) community worldwide.
Look for current and archived content from the INTA Bulletin in the Perspectives and INTA News sections of our website, and via search.
The Status of Intellectual Property in Russia and Ukraine
Read an overview of the latest information on the status of IP in Russia and Ukraine.
Practice Tools
Our reference and training tools can help you and your team in your daily practice. Here you’ll find our treatises, Trademark Administration (for those new to trademark practice and those looking for an incisive refresher) and U.S. State Trademark and Unfair Competition Law (covering all 50 states), Practitioners’ Checklists, and much more.
Fact Sheets
We give you the facts that answer fundamental questions about trademark and related rights to support your day-to-day practice. We encourage you to share copies of individual Fact Sheets in response to client inquiries. Please use this copyright notice: © International Trademark Association (INTA). Reprinted with kind permission.
Quick-Start Trademark Chart
Get instant answers to the most frequently asked trademark questions across 120 jurisdictions around the world. Then click through the hyperlinks in the chart to access our other resources that provide more in-depth information. You can also print out mini-charts with the responses for just one question or jurisdiction.
Mediation can be an effective way to resolve trademark disputes. Find out more about our Panel of Trademark Mediators.
Pro Bono Clearinghouse
We connect our members who volunteer to provide legal services at no charge with eligible clients in need of trademark support, such as low-income individuals, small-to-medium enterprises, and nonprofit organizations with limited budgets. This program, one of our initiatives to help create a better society, is the only one of its kind dedicated primarily to trademarks.
INTA TO-GO Live & On-Demand Webcasts
This dynamic e-learning platform covers everything from Trademark Basics to the latest issues engaging our community. A wide range of speakers from around the world present solutions-oriented ideas, big-picture perspectives, and inspirational talks. With live and on-demand offerings, INTA TO-GO is easily accessible anytime, anywhere.
Search Our Member Network of Trademark and IP Professionals
Member login required (located at the upper right corner of your screen).
Find (Or Fill) Your Next Job Opportunity
We connect talent to trademark-related opportunities around the world. As an industry resource, our Job Bank is open to all candidates and includes positions for attorneys, non-attorneys, and interns.
IP protection is often overlooked during the early stages of small business creation and growth. But it shouldn’t be.
We offer an overview of IP information and accessible resources that can help SMEs build, sustain, and protect their businesses.
For Consumers
With trademarks impacting so many aspects of daily life, consumers—whether they realize it or not—can benefit from understanding this intellectual property right and taking a closer look at brands.
We provide the basics and explain hot-button issues such as counterfeiting in language that resonates with them.
To gain access to all of our resources, become a member.