INTA Attends Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization

Published: October 15, 2018

From September 24 to October 2, INTA representatives attended the Fifty-Eighth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which took place in Geneva, Switzerland.

INTA’s delegation was comprised of Bruno Machado, INTA Representative, Geneva; Hélène Nicora, Chief Representative Officer, Europe; and Tat-Tienne Louembe, Representative, Africa, Middle East, and Intergovernmental Organizations.

Throughout the assemblies, the INTA representatives met with delegates of WIPO member states from all regional groups. In addition, exchanges took place with Denis Bohoussou, Director General of the Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) and Fernando dos Santos, Director General of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO).

The Association conveyed its willingness to further ties through the sharing of best practices, knowledge, and expertise, as well as scaling up the organization of joint activities in order to foster intellectual property (IP) rights and contribute to the development of the global IP system.

Furthermore, discussions were held with WIPO officials, in particular from the Brands and Designs Sector, the Global Issues Sector, and the Department for Transition and Developed Countries. The consultations were an opportunity to provide information on INTA’s latest advocacy and educational activities, review the collaboration between INTA and WIPO in the area of indigenous rights, and explore new avenues of cooperation.

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