INTA’s 2018 TMAP Meeting Will Offer Timely Education, Networking, and Fun

Published: July 12, 2018


Whether or not you’ve been to INTA’s TrademarkAdministrators and Practitioners Meeting (TMAP) in the past, the 2018 TMAPMeeting promises to provide both new and returning attendees with enormousinsight into the changing role of trademark professionals and the changingintellectual property (IP) industry worldwide.  

From September 12 through 14, hundreds of trademark administrators,paralegals, and other practitioners will gather in Orlando, Florida, at the RosenPlaza Hotel to participate in dynamic programming, networking activities, and acharitable team-building event.


The roles and responsibilities of paralegals and other trademark professionals are continuing toevolve in response to rapid changes affecting IP worldwide. Clients, whetherthey’re internal or outside the firm,expect expertise on a wider range of IP-related subjects. That translates intogreater pressure for trademark professionals to stay ahead of the curve anddeliver quality work. TMAP is the place to get that quality training.

TMAP is the premier-and only global-event dedicated to thearea of trademark law for paralegals, administrators, and new practitioners. Theprogram will provide an intense learning experience that stresses issuesrelevant to attendees globally and features presenters from around the worldwho will add their distinct voices and experiences.

LearnAbout IP-related Rights Worldwide

This year’s educational sessions will focus on trademarktopics as well as other IP-related issues that professionals now may beencountering in their daily work. Sessions include trademark advertising,clearing collateral, ethics in trademark investigations, lessons on copyrightsand designs, and data privacy.

Presenters also will explore timely topics such as challengesresulting from changes to the WHOIS domain name registry, IP issues in Africa,and trademark enforcement in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, an entiresession will be dedicated to professional career development.

INTA has also changed the meeting’s structure to a singletrack of course work, rather than concurrent sessions. With this new format,registrants can take advantage of every presentation as well as shareexperiences and best practices, and benchmark against their peers. Attendeeswill also be able to explore hot-button issues during moderated small-groupdiscussions, known as Table Topics.

Networkon Many Levels

Besides quality programming, networking opportunities andfun events will enhance the experience of attendees. At a Dine-Around event, participantscan connect and build relationships during small-group dinners at Orlando-area restaurants.

Additionally, a team-building event at the Second HarvestFood Bank of Central Florida will give volunteers the chance to work togetherto sort and bag produce for thousands of families in need.

CheckOut the Justification Toolkit

To win management’s support to attend TMAP, INTA has createdthe Attendee JustificationToolkit, which provides additional details and thebusiness benefits of participating.   

As one past attendee, Busola Bakinson, IntellectualProperty Associate, Jackson, Etti & Edu, Lagos, Nigeria, notes:   “Apart from the most beneficial content andlearning from the best in the IP field, TMAP has over the years created anatmosphere for building long-lasting relationships across continents, and thisis one of the reasons I will be attending this year.”

To register for TMAP as well as learn more about theprogram and sponsorship opportunities, click here.