Unreal Campaign Kicks Off 2019 with Presentations on Several Continents

Published: February 15, 2019


Volunteers for INTA’s Unreal Campaign kicked off 2019 by hosting student engagement events that educated more than 550 students on several continents about the dangers of counterfeit goods and the importance of trademarks and brands. Unreal Campaign Committee Members Gokce Izgi (Moroglu Arseven, Turkey, pictured above) and Peter Spies (Dineff Trademark Law Limited, United States) presented to teenagers in Istanbul, Turkey, and students in Illinois, USA, respectively. Asia and Africa Subcommittee Chair Lara Kayode (O. Kayode and Co., Nigeria) held presentations for students in Lagos, Nigeria. Those interested in hosting a student engagement in your area, contact Unreal Campaign Associate Catherine Shen at [email protected].