INTA Celebrates the 2021 Award Winners

Published: December 8, 2021

INTA has recognized the achievements of a select group of individual and organization members nominated by INTA members and staff for the Association’s annual volunteer awards—the prestigious President’s Award, the INTA Service Awards, and the Tomorrow’s Leader Award.

INTA President Tiki Dare (Oracle Corporation, USA) announced the winners via video at the 2021 Annual Meeting Virtual+ last month.

“INTA is extremely fortunate to have volunteers like this year’s award winners. Each one of the recipients, in their own way, has shown unparalleled dedication to the Association’s goals, the intellectual property (IP) world, and the advancement of the rights of trademark owners around the world,” Ms. Dare said.

President’s Award

INTA presents the President’s Award annually to an individual or individuals of a member organization who have made a lasting impact on the Association and its mission during their career, and who have made a profound impact on the global trademark community.

This year’s winners of the President’s Award are Pravin Anand (Anand and Anand Advocates, India) and Iris Quadrio (Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal, Argentina).

Mr. Anand has been a practicing attorney since 1979 when he joined Anand and Anand. He has been a dedicated INTA volunteer for decades and has served on myriad committees, project teams, and task forces. He was a member of INTA’s Board of Directors from 2006 to 2008. Mr. Anand’s countless accomplishments include several landmark IP cases that have maintained the protection of creatives and led to the extensive growth of India’s IP jurisprudence.

Ms. Quadrio has been practicing at Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal—the largest law firm in Argentina—as a partner since 1998. She is a long-time active member of INTA who served on the Board of Directors from 2006 to 2008. A recipient of awards from INTA in the past, Ms. Quadrio received the Volunteer Service Award for the Advancement of the Association in 2009 for guiding the formation and leadership of the Latin America Council. Earlier, in 2004, she was recognized with the Volunteer Service Award for Advancement of Committee or Subcommittee Objectives for her role as chair of the Trademark Office Practices Committee, Examination Subcommittee.

Read the INTA Bulletin interview with Mr. Anand and Ms. Quadrio.

INTA Service Awards

INTA Service Awards, given in three categories, recognize individuals and organizations that provide exemplary service to the Association.

Advancement of Association Objectives Award—This year’s recipient is Richard Plaistowe (Mills & Reeve LLP, United Kingdom), an IP lawyer for nearly 30 years. He has been an invaluable member of the Association’s Brexit Task Force, helping INTA navigate the complex and ongoing IP-related issues involved with the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union by penning articles in the INTA Bulletin, representing the Association at meetings, and participating in policy dialogues.

INTA Membership Champion Award—The Association has recognized Darani Vachanavuttivong (Tilleke & Gibbins, Thailand) with this award. As chair of the Asia-Pacific Subcommittee of INTA’s Global Advisory Council, she has dedicated significant time and resources to helping to expand the Association’s profile and membership base in Southeast Asia.

Members for a Better Society Award—INTA presented this award to global financial services corporation Mastercard International Incorporated, headquartered in Purchase, New York, USA. Mastercard has been active in working to better society by supporting the Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement program; launching the True Name initiative; and creating many other diversity, equity, and inclusion, and sustainability initiatives.

Tomorrow’s Leader Award

This year, INTA recognized three outstanding professionals who have practiced trademark law for five years or less with its Tomorrow’s Leader Award: Pedro de Abreu M. Campos (Di Blasi, Parente & Associados, Brazil); Agnese Gerharde (COBALT, Latvia); and Giulia Maienza (Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Italy).

Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this article, readers are urged to check independently on matters of specific concern or interest.

© 2021 International Trademark Association
