Press Releases

Winners of Prestigious Ladas Memorial Award for Legal Scholarship Announced by International Trademark Association

Published: April 6, 2023

New York, New York—April 6, 2023—The International Trademark Association (INTA) announced the winners of the Ladas Memorial Award for legal scholarship. They are Alexandra Roberts (Northeastern University School of Law, USA) in the Professional Category and Akansha Sharma and Judith Massia (BPP University Law School, United Kingdom) in the Student Category.

Established in memory of distinguished practitioner and author Stephen P. Ladas, the Ladas Memorial Award is presented annually in two categories, Student and Professional, for a paper on trademark law or a matter that directly relates to, or affects, trademarks.

Ms. Roberts will receive a set of Stephen P. Ladas’s three-volume treatise, Patents, Trademarks, and Related Rights and a complimentary registration to INTA’s 2023 Annual Meeting Live+. Ms. Sharma and Ms. Massia will each receive a cash prize of US $1,250 and a complimentary registration to the Annual Meeting. The winning papers will also be considered for publication in The Trademark Reporter.

Ms. Roberts, who is Professor of Law and Media at Northeastern University School of Law, won in the Professional Category for her paper, “A Poetics of Trademark Law.” Ms. Sharma won in the Student Category for her paper, “The Notorious Tale of Trivandrum—Tracing the Evolution of the Enigma of Religion Against the Backdrop of Trademarks in India,” while Ms. Massia won in the Student Category for her paper, “Les Sapeurs Arrive Fashionably Late to the Swakopmund Protocol (2016) IP Party.”

“This project is close to my heart, and I’m honored that the committee selected it for recognition. INTA does invaluable work bringing together IP practitioners and academics from all over the world and highlighting key legal issues in trademark protection and litigation; my work has benefited immensely from my participation in INTA events and the connections I’ve made with trademark practitioners and scholars through the organization,” said Professional winner Ms. Roberts.

“The quality and variety of the scholarship that emerges from this competition is always extraordinary, and this year’s winning papers are no exception. Congratulations to all!” extolled INTA CEO Etienne Sanz de Acedo.

Read more about the competition.

About the International Trademark Association
The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a global association of brand owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and complementary intellectual property (IP) to foster consumer trust, economic growth, and innovation, and committed to building a better society through brands. Members include nearly 6,000 organizations, representing more than 33,500 individuals (trademark owners, professionals, and academics) from 181 countries, who benefit from the Association’s global trademark resources, policy development, education and training, and international network. Founded in 1878, INTA is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Beijing, Brussels, Santiago, Singapore, and the Washington, D.C., Metro Area, and representatives in Amman and New Delhi. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Bogner
Senior Strategist, Communications
[email protected]
